2018 "DogS Around TW"

Design Elements: 2018 Year of the "DogS Around TW",Ideas derived from the 1961 launch of Disney's 17th animated classic, taken from Dodie Smith's work.

This time  "DogS Around TW" in response to eradicate polio, and has a top clothes "END POLIO NOW" pattern.

This eye-catching design comes from the innovative design of Shawn(member of Rotary Club of Taipei Tungsheng), which makes  "DogS Around TW" have different feelings.



3520車隊 3523 ARTHUR領騎鶯歌之旅 (吃冰拉)

3520車隊 3523 ARTHUR領騎鶯歌之旅 今天是我們的 吃冰之旅 ,不是騎車去鶯歌喔~這碗冰值錢~更是故事多~ 我們出發了~!!!天氣好的....嚇人!~心想會不會熱衰竭喔!??還好出發前大家做好防曬了.. 新月橋~大家都很開心喔...

2018 狗年環島祈福